Thread: Hot water
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Hot water

On Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 12:53:51 PM UTC-10, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:

> LOl, the Cosworth variant however was actually pretty nifty, in the
> idiom of nasty 70s cars anyway:
> Interesting comparison road test:
> By mid-72 this technological gem was spinning out 170 hp at 7600 rpm
> and 126 lb-ft at 4000 €” heady stuff in a 2300-pound car €” but
> part-throttle driveability was poor and emissions werent clean enough.
> By May 1973, output was down to 130 hp and 116 lb-ft, but Car and Driver
> took a prototype to 60 mph in 7.7 seconds with a 16.2-second 85-mph
> quarter mile, proclaiming, €œThe only four-passenger coupes faster than a
> Cosworth Vega have a Detroit V-8 under the hood.€

The Cosworth Vega had that amazing engine. OTOH, these days twin-cam, 4-valve engines are fairly common. My VW has a twin-cam, 5-valve, intercooled turbo, engine. Too bad it weighs about 1500lb too much. It would be pretty spiffy if it weighed 2300lb like the Vega and Capri.