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Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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Default Cobbler and soup battle!

On 10/26/2017 5:12 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Terry Coombs wrote in
>> On 10/25/2017 11:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I know, I know. Sounds like a post from that breadbasket person.
>>> But... The cobbler is just about done. Ah, timer! Done. Also a pot
>>> of vegetable soup to pad out the meal. The rest of the meal is
>>> leftovers. But for now the scents of the soup and the cobbler are
>>> battling it out. Smells heavenly!
>>> *Time elapsed*
>>> I did not try the soup yet. Soup has lima beans and corn and that
>>> would be too many carbs with the leftover rice.
>>> I am eating a little of the cobbler despite my not really liking
>>> blueberries or peaches. Due to the one bag of mixed berries being
>>> totally warm by the time I got home, it is mostly peaches with some
>>> berries mixed in. It's very good! This recipe is for sure a keeper.
>>> Will try it with other fruit. Oh and I did sub coconut oil for the
>>> butter. I also used liquid milk but fell slightly short and didn't
>>> want to open a new bottle. I just added a little water. Also cooked
>>> the fruit down a bit from frozen and added a little sugar. I'd say
>>> there was about 1/4 cup of juice remaining and I added that as
>>> well. Thanks for the recipe Terry!
>>> See Steve and Gary? I can play nice. But oh how I am seducing with
>>> this food. Had to turn away at least half a dozen people from the
>>> kitchen door. Sorry to say this food is mine. All mine!

>> Â* The wife saw me typing in the recipe ... so she made me a
>> blackberry cobbler . Berries were grown wild here at The 12 Acre Wood
>> and frozen fresh .Â* We've been invited over for a steak dinner at a
>> friend's , plan to try it for a late dessert tonight . With ice cream
>> . And maybe a drizzle of blackberry brandy ...
>> Â* --
>> Â* Snag

> AWESOME Terry!

Â* People sometimes ask me , and I tell them that I know exactly how
lucky I am to have her as my wife . We've been married over 44 years now
and I love her more today than the day I said "I do" .

Â* --

Â* Snag