Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Phone calls (WAS: Dinner 10/18/17)

On 2017-10-27 10:53 AM, Gary wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> This group has an inordinate number of people who are compelled to reply
>> to almost every post.

> You can't even say that with any validity if you use a killfile.

Denizens of the kill file were not always there. They all earned their
places there. Some are there because they are simply too obnoxious to
bother with. One is there because she replied to so many posts and
quoted 50 plus lines, which often included lines from 10 posts upthread,
only to add a one line comment.

They are also not invisible, because other people are replying to them
and quoting their comments. Besides, the kill file has a log, so I can
check that and see who has been caught in the filter.

> I do read all posts here but I don't reply to all that many.

That is true. You don't. Before I started filtering more actively
there were a few people who were posting 60-70 messages a day. Then
there are the nymshifting twits who breeze in with a slightly altered
username to avoid filters and post a dozen or more stupid messages. You
don't need to filter them because as soon as you look at the new
messages and see a whack of consecutive messages under the new or
altered name you just skip on by.