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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Uses for frozen fruit

On 10/27/2017 9:42 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-10-26 11:22 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 15:05:24 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:

>>> It beats me why anyone would bother to offer any suggestions to her.
>>> They would just give her the opportunity to post about why she can't do
>>> those things.Â* We have all been there and done that.Â* Yet, people here
>>> still seem to get sucked into responding and getting shot down.

>> Are you aware that you've been on repeat for a couple of years?

> I am on repeat??? I have been exposed to her antics for years. People
> keep replying to her as if she is normal and get sucked into offering
> the advice she seeks, and then hearing about why that won't work for
> her.Â* I am not the only one on repeat.

Julie is Julie, everyone has an opinion about her so do as you see fit.
While she may not take advice, the thread can bear other fruits. A good
recipe may be posted and be of interest to the rest of us, even if she
chooses to ignore.

The same people do reply to her, me included, and the same people
complain about her, you included. Has it had good results or is it time
wasted? Best to kill file and ignore if not interested.