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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Uses for frozen fruit

On 2017-10-27 11:46 AM, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
> On 10/27/2017 11:25 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 2017-10-27 10:30 AM, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>> On 10/26/2017 7:30 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> On 2017-10-26 3:37 PM, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>>> On 10/26/2017 11:17 AM, graham wrote:
>>>>>> On 2017-10-26 10:52 AM, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/26/2017 8:55 AM, notbob wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2017-10-26, cshenk > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey, I got to many grapes some time back.
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas there?
>>>>>>>> Julia Childs did a baking show (Baking With Julia?) where she
>>>>>>>> had on
>>>>>>>> some pro baker lady who used grape skins to derive her sourdough
>>>>>>>> starter yeast.Â* IOW, her guest got the natural yeast present on
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> of the grape skins.Â* You might be able to find that particular
>>>>>>>> episode
>>>>>>>> online.Â*
>>>>>>>> nb
>>>>>>> Wow, SUPERB tip, nb!
>>>>>>> TNX, been thinking about sourdough since I saw the episode on ATK
>>>>>>> a week back.
>>>>>> Actually, those yeast cells will be replaced by the strain that is
>>>>>> on the wheat grains and therefore in the flour. After all, wine
>>>>>> yeast is different to beer yeast and this is an analogous situation.
>>>>>> Graham
>>>>> Thanks for clarifying!
>>>>> The key, as ATK tells it, is to keep diluting that flour slurry
>>>>> down as it grows generation by generation.
>>>>> A laborious process, one I say most folks won't take the time for,
>>>>> even an avid baker like CSchenk.
>>>> It's not laborious really. You just have to feed the starter at
>>>> intervals until it becomes vigorous enough to use in bread making.
>>>> After that, it has to be fed to maintain it. US sourdough is based
>>>> on a starter with equal weights of flour and water, making a batter.
>>>> The French method, which is not so sour, uses about 65g water to
>>>> 100g of flour.
>>>> Graham
>>> Point is that one has to stay on it and regularly feed and dilute it
>>> - not the kind of thing most folks will make time for.

>> Again, there's a bit of folklore about feeding. SD enthusiasts
>> maintain that one should feed the starter on at least a weekly basis
>> otherwise the critters will die. That's nonsense of course. I often
>> leave mine for months between feedings. They also believe in stirring
>> in the "hooch" that is present on top of the starter at feeding time.
>> That's alcoholic and not good for the bugs so poor it off.
>> Graham

> Can you please detail your personal process for us?
> Sounds like you have it pretty well-sussed by now.

I'm afraid it's in grams but the weight % is important.
To start:
Mix a Tbsp of rye flour and 3 Tbsp of whole wheat flour with enough
water to make a stiff dough. Put in a small bowl and cover with plastic
wrap and leave in a warm place for a couple of days.
When you pull it apart, it should be full of holes.
Measure out 35g water and 50g white flour.
Add the water to the dough to break it up and then mix in the flour.
Cover and leave in a warm place for about 8 hours or overnight - it's
not critical. It should have risen.
Discard about half of the mix and add water and flour as above and leave
as above.
Repeat 2 or 3 times by which time it should be quite vigorous and rise
to double in size.
You can then use it to make bread.
That's MY method that I prefer as the bread has a more complex flavour
and is not noticeably sour.
If you prefer the San Francisco style, follow the above process but use
equal weights of flour and water in the refreshments.