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Default Uses for frozen fruit

On Fri, 27 Oct 2017 09:34:39 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> On 10/27/2017 9:42 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-10-26 11:22 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 15:05:24 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> It beats me why anyone would bother to offer any suggestions to her.
>>>>> They would just give her the opportunity to post about why she can't do
>>>>> those things. We have all been there and done that. Yet, people here
>>>>> still seem to get sucked into responding and getting shot down.
>>>> Are you aware that you've been on repeat for a couple of years?
>>> I am on repeat??? I have been exposed to her antics for years. People
>>> keep replying to her as if she is normal and get sucked into offering the
>>> advice she seeks, and then hearing about why that won't work for her. I
>>> am not the only one on repeat.

>> Julie is Julie, everyone has an opinion about her so do as you see fit.
>> While she may not take advice, the thread can bear other fruits. A good
>> recipe may be posted and be of interest to the rest of us, even if she
>> chooses to ignore.
>> The same people do reply to her, me included, and the same people complain
>> about her, you included. Has it had good results or is it time wasted?
>> Best to kill file and ignore if not interested.

>It's simply not possible for Dave to ignore her, he's proven that over and
>over and over, and I imagine it's just about time for him to trot out the
>"sisterhood of stupidity" thing, or something really original like *bovine.*
>One trick pony, always bitching about something.

I just don't read her posts - once when someone posted to what she had
been saying about Canadian healthcare, it was absolutely false but she
was sure she knew better because she had a friend in NB, I did respond
in no uncertain terms because she was totally inaccurate and I really
doubted she had the info from a native NBer, could just possibly have
been an USian living in NB.

I really don't know why anyone reads her posts far less responds to