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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default OT Grandma Approved Lavender front porch surface painted today!

On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 17:55:28 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Cheri" wrote in message news >
>"Casa de los peregrinos" > wrote in message
>> On 10/28/2017 10:03 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>> "Casa de los peregrinos" > wrote in message
>>> news >>>>
>>>> And to view it only through your perception instantly denies the reality
>>>> others may have.
>>> I can't count how many times other posters have admonished me for
>>> responding to you, but I will respond to whom I choose to respond to and
>>> others should do the same. Others are responsible for their own reality
>>> on Usenet, to me Usenet, Twitter, etc. is not real life, thankfully. I
>>> doubt that most of the posters would say the things they say if they were
>>> sitting in the same room with other posters, at least I hope they
>>> wouldn't.
>>> Cheri

>> And that is the nexus of my "ass kicking" analogy here.
>> In real life Bwuthie would be swiftly laid to the floor and perhaps not
>> helped back up.

>Usenet is not real life, and I doubt that he would be swiftly laid to the
>floor in real life either, for what? At any rate, we will agree to disagree
>and leave it at that, no trying to bully others into a certain way of
>posting works too.
>Thanks, Cheri. I was beginning to feel bullied.

lol wait until you have your troll friend after you.