Thread: Hot water
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Lesmond Lesmond is offline
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Default Hot water

On Sun, 29 Oct 2017 06:21:54 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:

>On Sat 28 Oct 2017 11:03:23p, Lesmond told us...
>> On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:52:13 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>On 2017-10-28 8:52 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 19:37:43 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On 2017-10-28 5:24 PM, wrote:
>>>>>> Regardless it's not wise to keep valuable items in a guest
>>>>>> room, they become what's known as an "attractive nuisance" and
>>>>>> tend to disappear.
>>>>> A couple of things have gone missing from that room after she
>>>>> stayed in it. One was a Ralph Steadman book of ink sketches
>>>>> called Dogs' Bodies.
>>>>> The other was a booklet from Cook Country where FIL was born
>>>>> and my
>>>>> son was saving with the idea of using his grandfather's
>>>>> birthplace to get American citizenship.
>>>> Are you saying she ate those books?
>>>I didn't say that. Bu now that you mention it, and having seen how
>>>much she eats..... I should not rule out that possibility..

>> OK, I'm new here. But this fascinates me and I would love to hear
>> the full story behind it. I too have had some difficult
>> houseguests, but nothing that sounds like this.

>It brings to mind a story from many years ago that involved my dad's
>sister-in-law. My dad's aunt and uncle were very old school and
>formal people. They hosted a large holiday dinner party and, typical
>of old southern families, there was a groaning board of desserts to
>choose from. As my dad's aunt was asking each guest which dessert
>that would like, my dad's sister-in-law spoke up and asked for a
>dinner plate so that she could have a piece of each of all the
>desserts. That story was told for many years, as the sister-in-law
>was a rather rude and brash person, and my dad's aunt was mortified
>at the request, although was very gracious.

Thank you for the story. Although we always have all the desserts. Just
one at a time.

Do not spray into eyes
I have sprayed you into my eyes