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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Cheese shop visit

In article >, penmart01 says...
> My wife will be coming home today, her son is driving her as she's
> still not capable of driving the three hour trip. They decided on my
> 12 ounce burgers for dinner tonight so they are defrosting now. They
> will be bringing the hard rolls among other items we can't buy here.
> Since her son likes cheese burgers yesterday I bought a half pound of
> sliced Land O' Lakes white American yesterday (he prefers white,
> doesn't believe the yellow is anneto). The half pound is more than
> enough, maybe cheese omelets the next day.
> Anyway my wife is already able to drive but still only short
> distances, maybe just a half hour before stiffness sets in from being
> in one position so long. Her doctor said that stiffness will go away
> after three months as everything inside heals. Outside she only has
> very small scars and those will also fade in time. She loves her new
> knees, she says her knees feel like they did at sixteen. She told
> everyone she wasn't coming home with a walker and she's not.

Good for her.

She may find the three hour trip home pretty tiring.. you might want
to have some soup on standby in case she just wants a snack then a lie
down and long sleep in her own bed.

Both of you take it easy. After surgery, coming home safe releases
accumulated stress so can be a bit of a roller coaster.

Janet UK