Thread: Hot water
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Default Hot water

On Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 1:21:57 AM UTC-5, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> It brings to mind a story from many years ago that involved my dad's
> sister-in-law. My dad's aunt and uncle were very old school and
> formal people. They hosted a large holiday dinner party and, typical
> of old southern families, there was a groaning board of desserts to
> choose from. As my dad's aunt was asking each guest which dessert
> that would like, my dad's sister-in-law spoke up and asked for a
> dinner plate so that she could have a piece of each of all the
> desserts. That story was told for many years, as the sister-in-law
> was a rather rude and brash person, and my dad's aunt was mortified
> at the request, although was very gracious.

To sample all of them I would have asked for a sliver of each.
No more than an inch wide of each dessert. Think about it, an
inch wide slice of pie or cake is not much. If there were 20
desserts that would be way too much to try to consume. But if
there were 6 or 7 it would be possible but pushing it to get
them all down.