Thread: Hot water
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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Default Hot water

On 10/30/2017 11:37 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Monday, October 30, 2017 at 6:18:36 AM UTC-10, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>> I guess poached counts as boiled too...but even there my preference is
>> for brined and grilled.

> The Chinese will poach a chicken in a soy sauce based liquid. They keep and reuse the boiling sauce - it's a family chicken boiling sauce. Some of these are over a hundred years old. Well, that's what they say anyway. I've never been able to keep my sauce for longer than a few months. I'm too chicken.


Now there's a pun.

I must have linked that burger joint in Memphis that's using grease
that's generations old, if not:

The secret of the tasty-taste of Dyer's hamburgers, according to Dyer's
Burgers, is that they're cooked in the grease that the restaurant
started with back in 1912. Or at least some of that grease (The
restaurant adds fresh grease to the old grease every now and then). To
its credit, Dyer's Burgers has been very protective of its grease over
the years, moving it under armed guard as the restaurant has relocated
to various Memphis addresses.

If you feel uneasy about burgers fried in "ancient grease," the
restaurant does say that the grease is strained every day. So it's clean
100-year-old grease.