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Default Slightly OT.... bags in trees.

On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 19:12:04 -0400, Nancy Young >

>On 10/30/2017 7:01 PM, wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:58:05 -0400, Nancy Young >
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/30/2017 1:05 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> I saw it happen today. I was headed* home from running errands and
>>>> passed a housing development under construction. I saw something up in
>>>> the air and thought it was a bird because it was going up and down and
>>>> around, but as I got closer, I realized that it was a plastic bag. It
>>>> was floating around 50-100 off the ground.* I flew a couple hundred
>>>> yards, across the road and then into a* tree where it got snagged.
>>>> It happens.
>>> I don't doubt it happens, not at all. The confusion was why there
>>> was a road where all the trees were full of plastic bags.

>> Most likely a road leading to the town landfill.

>It was leading from an airport, but as I said previously, I
>found myself on such a road when this conversation started,
>empty treed lots right there on the road all the garbage
>trucks take to the dump. There, I thought, I'll see tons of
>bags in trees I never noticed. None.
>Note that I'm not saying there aren't bags in trees, just
>wondering why it would be so many.

I believe I remarked on the amazing quantity of bags in trees on the
highway going west from Heathrow. They mostly seemed to be the very
light quality bags, our supermarkets tend to use slightly heavier ones
but I notice stores like drug stores, dollar stores etc. use them.

Both times when a bag was in the trees in front here it was the
heavier grocery bag type. Two in 14 1/2 years.