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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Cheese shop visit

In article >,
> On Monday, October 30, 2017 at 1:35:18 AM UTC-10, S Viemeister wrote:
> > I've been to a couple of Ikeas in New Jersey - both of them had those
> > shortcuts. They're not obvious, but they are there.

> So Ikea is the only store with these shortcuts? I don't think I would like a store with a layout that's made like a cattle chute.

It's not.

You wouldn't like IKEA anyway, because you're a male heterosexual.

IKEA stores provide respite care for children and males. The children
are corralled out of sight and earshot,in a supervised play area. Any
heterosexual men not required for carrying stuff, can be left in a
special holding area near the restaurant, with big squashy sofas where
they can sit and read the paper, drink the free coffee provided by their
wife's IKEA loyalty card, and stuff their faces with cakes pastries and
stuff they think their wives won't notice the crumbs from.

Janet UK.