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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Cheese shop visit

On 2017-10-31, Janet > wrote:

> heterosexual men not required for carrying stuff, can be left in a
> special holding area near the restaurant.......

Sounds like a good idea. The first IKEA in the SFBA had its
resto/store near the exit, so guys hadda hang with their ladies until
the end. Unfortunately, IKEA's resto/store created a bottle-neck for
the exit and you actually hadda wait -in line!-- to exit .....oh,
hadda wait right next to the "return" dept, where all the defective
merchandise was in plain sight --fer further perusal-- of the exiting
clientele. Geez, I hope IKEA was not stupid enough to leave it that

I quit shopping at IKEA as soon as I discoverd most of their furniture
is particle board, jes like everyone else. Last thing I bought at
IKEA was a kitchen overhead-pot-hanger. $39USD. So much cheaper
than the same thing at Sur Hi Tab for 3X-4X the price.
