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Nancy2[_2_] Nancy2[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 3,238
Default Slightly OT.... bags in trees.

Casa, only the female gingkos have fruit. My ex planted one in our front yard .. First tree for
this new house .. in 1969, and even then, the nursery could determine which ones were male
trees. I have no clue why anyone would plant a female tree unless it was w-a-y out there in
the back 40, where the wildlife might like them, but no humans would step on them and track
them into a building.

Our campus suffered for years with female trees close to sidewalks and busy buildings. The Asian
students would pick them up to eat...I was assured they tasted nothing like they smelled...but after
one of the VPs walked into the administration building and asked if someone had vomited in the
hallway, TPTB have slowly taken down the female trees and replaced them with male trees.

I hate to see beautiful trees removed, but in this case, since I worked in that particular building, I
was in favor of it.
