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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Barbecue with Franklin

On Tue, 31 Oct 2017 16:13:39 -0500, Sqwertz >

>Aaron Frankin actually took it pretty well and will use the
>opportunity to make some improvements. The place was kinda ramshackle
>(as most BBQ restaurants here are for "authenticity").
>BBQ restaurant insurance is pretty high for obvious reasons. We had
>another BBQ restaurant burn down here in the early morning a few years
>ago. Passing drivers who called 911 were transferred to a fire
>dispatcher who unwittingly managed to convince a couple of first
>callers that it was just smoke from their smokers, "they're just
>cooking briskets - nothing to worry about". Finally the third caller,
>35 minutes after the first call, was able to convince the fire
>dispatcher, "This ain't BBQ! The place is on ****ing fire, dude!".
>The restaurant was a total loss and never reopened. The insurance
>company sued the fire department and settled after an "undisclosed

It ain't a party until someone sues someone.