On Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 6:18:20 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> LOL. I suspect the constant conflict here is what keeps RFC
> interesting and still going while so many other newsgroups die
> out.
> Before I came to RFC, I was a regular poster to alt.cooking.chat.
> It was a friendly cooking ng where people usually posted about
> cooking and very few conflicts. Just what a few here wish for.
> It's long dead now. Be careful what you wish for.
I suspect that your suspicion is correct. My theory is that newsgroups need a high horsepower engine to push things along. Without these big block posters the group flounders. September and October has seen the largest number of posts of the year. People bitching and complaining about other posters play an important role in generating these numbers. They are like high octane gas for the high compression engines. All I gots to say is God Bless America!