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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Barbecue with Franklin

On 10/31/2017 5:13 PM, Sqwertz wrote:

> BBQ restaurant insurance is pretty high for obvious reasons. We had
> another BBQ restaurant burn down here in the early morning a few years
> ago. Passing drivers who called 911 were transferred to a fire
> dispatcher who unwittingly managed to convince a couple of first
> callers that it was just smoke from their smokers, "they're just
> cooking briskets - nothing to worry about". Finally the third caller,
> 35 minutes after the first call, was able to convince the fire
> dispatcher, "This ain't BBQ! The place is on ****ing fire, dude!".
> The restaurant was a total loss and never reopened. The insurance
> company sued the fire department and settled after an "undisclosed
> agreement".
> -sw

We have a company in town and the back of the building faces the
highway. They have a cooling tower on the side of the building and the
fan blows moisture out the top. With a sodium light fixture it looks
like smoke. At least once a month the fire department gets a call from
a passing car and every time they send the fire department.

I could never understand why they did not get after the company to
change the lighting or do something to stop the frequent calls.

In the case of a bbq place, I wonder if they got frquent calls there
too. Poor decision by the dispatcher.