Thread: Arrggh!
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Arrggh!

On 2017-11-01 10:45 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> Early morning and I am doing the Mise en place for the bread I am
> baking this morning. I'm also doing pretty much the same for my cup
> of coffee -- cream & sugar. The result? My coffee cup got the
> tablespoon of salt instead of the pot of milk and butter heating on
> the stove. That'll open your eyes! Fortunately all I lost was a cup
> of coffee ;-) What a way to start the day!
> Janet US

Oops ;-)
Somewhere along the line after our son moved away we started using a
small pottery pot for salt and kept it on the counter by the stove so it
would be handy for seasoning and to spoon out measured amounts for
recipes. Our son came home for a visit and the first time he had a
coffee he got a spoonful of what he thought was sugar for his coffee....
because it was in a bowl. Rude surprise for him.