On 2017-11-01 8:45 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> Early morning and I am doing the Mise en place for the bread I am
> baking this morning. I'm also doing pretty much the same for my cup
> of coffee -- cream & sugar. The result? My coffee cup got the
> tablespoon of salt instead of the pot of milk and butter heating on
> the stove. That'll open your eyes! Fortunately all I lost was a cup
> of coffee ;-) What a way to start the day!
> Janet US
Another story
When I was at uni, there was a separate table at the end of the
cafeteria line for sauces and condiments. A group of us saw a guy spoon
mayo all over his apple pie, obviosly thinking it was custard.
Everyone waited to see what happened and he ate the lot without so much
as a grimace!