Thread: Arrggh!
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Arrggh!

"jmcquown" wrote in message news
On 11/1/2017 1:48 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2017-11-01 8:45 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> Early morning and I am doing the Mise en place for the bread I am
>> baking this morning. I'm also doing pretty much the same for my cup
>> of coffee -- cream & sugar. The result? My coffee cup got the
>> tablespoon of salt instead of the pot of milk and butter heating on
>> the stove. That'll open your eyes! Fortunately all I lost was a cup
>> of coffee ;-) What a way to start the day!
>> Janet US

> Many years ago, my then wife and I were making xmas cakes. She reached for
> what she thought was the tin of mixed cake spice and spooned curry powder
> into the batter!
> Fortunately we noticed the error immediately and managed to get most of it
> out.
> Graham

This is why a mise en place is a good idea (even if it didn't work this
morning for Janet with her coffee!). I have little ceramic souffle cups
and I pre-measure the herbs and spices for a particular dish, depending
upon what I'm cooking. It helps since you're not grabbing a tin of
something in the middle of cooking only to find out - ooops. I'm glad
you managed to get most of the curry powder out of the cake batter.



I always use mise en place. For a start it ensures I have everything I
