Thread: Arrggh!
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Arrggh!

"U.S. Janet B." wrote in message

On Wed, 1 Nov 2017 17:54:51 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>"U.S. Janet B." wrote in message
.. .
>Early morning and I am doing the Mise en place for the bread I am
>baking this morning. I'm also doing pretty much the same for my cup
>of coffee -- cream & sugar. The result? My coffee cup got the
>tablespoon of salt instead of the pot of milk and butter heating on
>the stove. That'll open your eyes! Fortunately all I lost was a cup
>of coffee ;-) What a way to start the day!
>Janet US
>lol I hope it gets better from herein)

so far so good. I have two beautiful loaves of bread done and a truly
beautiful pot roast going. I know I'll do carrots and potatoes with
the pot roast but am dithering whether I should also do some parsnips
-- in which case I'll do the veggies in the oven instead of in the pot
Janet US


All sounds pretty good to me)
