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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Posts: 12,851
Default IT PASSED!!! :-) I'm a homeowner again!

On 11/1/2017 10:38 PM, Sqwertz wrote:

>>>> Nice to have a cheerful optimistic outlook.
>>> Optimistic or realistic?

>> Time will tell. The handful of naysayers that said he would never close
>> look a little silly now. I hope he does well.

> I don't think anybody ever said he wouldn't close except Sheldon. I
> never once thought the sale would fizzle and the owner would stiff him
> after he started spending all that money (and never said anything to
> that effect). Although plenty of people warned him and suggested to
> be cautious before spending all that money.
> But nobody said he wouldn't close (except Shelly, and nobody takes him
> seriously). They just said it was a possibility. And that he should
> only do the bare minimum of spending before he owned the house. And
> that was all correct.
> In the end, he ended up paying more than twice what the house was
> worth (to him, or anyone). And possibly 3X it's worth before thsi
> time next year. People were correct implicitly or explicitly calling
> him an idiot.
> You can't possibly defend his decisions as being wise, and suggesting
> everybody else was wrong, Ed.
> -sw

No, he may have spent more than it is worth to most people, but he spent
exactly what it is worth to him. Pretty much how the sale price of all
property is determined. If it is not "worth it" to the potential buyer
they walk away. Real estate, used cars, iPhones, people pay if they are
satisfied with the value. Can he sell it for what is invested? Does
not matter to him or to us.

I'm not defending his decision as wise. I'd not do it myself, but the
point is, in spite of all the negativity, it worked. He is happy. A
few, like Janet UK seem to want the deal to explode one way or another.