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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default IT PASSED!!! :-) I'm a homeowner again!

On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 10:05:22 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> On 11/1/2017 10:38 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> Nice to have a cheerful optimistic outlook.
>>>> Optimistic or realistic?
>>> Time will tell. The handful of naysayers that said he would never close
>>> look a little silly now. I hope he does well.

>> I don't think anybody ever said he wouldn't close except Sheldon. I
>> never once thought the sale would fizzle and the owner would stiff him
>> after he started spending all that money (and never said anything to
>> that effect). Although plenty of people warned him and suggested to
>> be cautious before spending all that money.
>> But nobody said he wouldn't close (except Shelly, and nobody takes him
>> seriously). They just said it was a possibility. And that he should
>> only do the bare minimum of spending before he owned the house. And
>> that was all correct.
>> In the end, he ended up paying more than twice what the house was
>> worth (to him, or anyone). And possibly 3X it's worth before thsi
>> time next year. People were correct implicitly or explicitly calling
>> him an idiot.
>> You can't possibly defend his decisions as being wise, and suggesting
>> everybody else was wrong, Ed.

> No, he may have spent more than it is worth to most people, but he spent
> exactly what it is worth to him.

Drug users also pay sometimes extravagant prices for what they
perceive it's worth. That doesn't make it a wise purchase and most
people wouldn't perceive it as wise either (unless they're sharing the
benefits with you).
