Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Default $24 meatloaf

On 11/2/2017 1:29 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Would you pay $24 for a meatloaf dinner?
> A new restaurant opened in town and we've not tried it yet.* The other
> night I checked out the menu and found they have meatloaf for $24.
> I'm sure it would be good, the restaurant itself up up scale, but I just
> cannot think of a meatloaf being $24.* Most family restaurants are
> closer to $10 for average and I expect to pay more for better.* It has
> my curiosity and may just try it if we do go there.* .

I wouldn't pay it, but it seems to be a trendy item now:

Bison Meatloaf 18$
Gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, Aunt Fannies squash casserole

...saved ya $6, if the drive's not too long...