Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Default $24 meatloaf

On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 15:29:06 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>Would you pay $24 for a meatloaf dinner?
>A new restaurant opened in town and we've not tried it yet. The other
>night I checked out the menu and found they have meatloaf for $24.
>I'm sure it would be good, the restaurant itself up up scale, but I just
>cannot think of a meatloaf being $24. Most family restaurants are
>closer to $10 for average and I expect to pay more for better. It has
>my curiosity and may just try it if we do go there. .

I'd be qizzing the server first to see if there was some special merit
to it Probably the normal upscale diners don't know how to make
it for themselves, hence the restaurant can make a killing.