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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Baker's Joy Spray?

On 2017-11-02 1:45 PM, Boron wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Nov 2017 13:43:48 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> On 2017-11-01 11:51 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 4:31:55 AM UTC-10, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>> One of these days someone will design a home spray oil bottle that
>>>> actually works too, or not...
>>>> Meantime we get to hate the aerosol can crap.
>>> That's a good point. Those bottles you fill and pump up don't work either. It might be that I'm using the wrong oil. I guess I'm supposed to use the lightest viscosity olive oil. What the heck, I don't even like olive oil.

>> I've never been able to get one of those to work either!

> Oil residue gets tacky/sticky. Those Misto dispensers are notorious
> for it and the manufacturer generally recommends emptying and
> cleaning with vinegar, then soap and water.

The damn thing wouldn't spray oil properly from the word go. Sprays
water OK but I have a squirt bottle for that.

> I have never had the problem with purchased Pam containers, though
> off-brand versions of the spray can be troublesome. It is a product I
> will not buy branded.

I find those Pam cans don't last very long. I bought a can of a canola
based spray from a wholesale outlet aimed at professionals and I have
been using it for about 2 years. There's still some oil left which is
just as well because they don't stock it any more.