$24 meatloaf
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Casa de los peregrinos
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Posts: 890
$24 meatloaf
On 11/2/2017 3:24 PM,
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 15:10:49 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 15:29:06 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> Would you pay $24 for a meatloaf dinner?
>>> A new restaurant opened in town and we've not tried it yet. The other
>>> night I checked out the menu and found they have meatloaf for $24.
>>> I'm sure it would be good, the restaurant itself up up scale, but I just
>>> cannot think of a meatloaf being $24. Most family restaurants are
>>> closer to $10 for average and I expect to pay more for better. It has
>>> my curiosity and may just try it if we do go there. .
>> The meatloaf shouldn't be $10 more than the mussels, and only ~10%
>> less than the other fish/shellfish entrees.
>> -sw
> I'd not patronize any US restaurant that doesn't know to use dollar
> sign$... took me a few moments to figure those stand alone numbers
> weren't how many servings... those numbers lacking ddollar signs tell
> me from teh get-go that the joint is smarmy.
Oh good grief!
It's pretty much standard notation in any upscale menu now, get with today!
> Restaurant meat loaf dinner should never be more than $8... Blue Plate
> Special = Meat Loaf, Mashed w/Gravy, Buttered Veg in Season...
> Bread/Butter.
> There's fancy schmancy meat loaf that may cost more
> (terrines), but typical meat loaf should cost less than a mystery meat
> burger... restaurant meat loaf is salvaged mystery meat (plate
> scrapings) with lots of bread crumb filler.'s not "plate scrapings"!
Good grief!
> Hmmm, their swordfish plate is a total rip off at thirty bucks...
> fresh caught (never frozen) on Lung Guyland would cost half that.
The YOU know where to go, right?
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