Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default $24 meatloaf

On 2017-11-02 6:10 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 11/2/2017 5:59 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2017-11-02 5:33 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 11/2/2017 5:22 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>>>> Most of the other choices look reasonable, but that meatloaf does
>>>> seem to be overpriced.Â* IMO it would be over priced if you got the
>>>> whole loaf for that price.
>>> Agreed!Â* Even if you personally grind the best cuts of beef, veal and
>>> pork to make a meatloaf, it wouldn't cost $24.Â* Ed is right, people
>>> who order it must be paying for the overall ambiance.Â* Either that
>>> or, as lucretia suggested, the diners don't know how to make meatloaf
>>> so they're willing to pay that much.

>> I guess the pasta and ragu ranks up there with the meatloaf for being
>> over-priced. It is curious that they are so expensive, considering
>> that there is a $14 burger.Â* Then there is the polenta cake..... grits
>> with red sauce and a bit of ricotta for $22.

> I noted the price of the polenta cake in another reply!Â* Polenta is not
> exactly the same as grits but I'll let that slide.

Not exactly the same, but not a heck of a lot different. It is corn meal
mush ...porridge. I doubt that they spend the time cooking and
stirring for each serving. Calling it "cake" suggested that it is
pre-cooked and then cooled in a pan and heated up to order. It is way