Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Default $24 meatloaf

On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 18:35:20 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-11-02 6:10 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 11/2/2017 5:59 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-11-02 5:33 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 11/2/2017 5:22 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Most of the other choices look reasonable, but that meatloaf does
>>>>> seem to be overpriced.* IMO it would be over priced if you got the
>>>>> whole loaf for that price.
>>>> Agreed!* Even if you personally grind the best cuts of beef, veal and
>>>> pork to make a meatloaf, it wouldn't cost $24.* Ed is right, people
>>>> who order it must be paying for the overall ambiance.* Either that
>>>> or, as lucretia suggested, the diners don't know how to make meatloaf
>>>> so they're willing to pay that much.
>>> I guess the pasta and ragu ranks up there with the meatloaf for being
>>> over-priced. It is curious that they are so expensive, considering
>>> that there is a $14 burger.* Then there is the polenta cake..... grits
>>> with red sauce and a bit of ricotta for $22.

>> I noted the price of the polenta cake in another reply!* Polenta is not
>> exactly the same as grits but I'll let that slide.

>Not exactly the same, but not a heck of a lot different. It is corn meal
> mush ...porridge. I doubt that they spend the time cooking and
>stirring for each serving. Calling it "cake" suggested that it is
>pre-cooked and then cooled in a pan and heated up to order. It is way

Extremely over priced for a side in place of home fries with bacon and
eggs at any southern diner, for about five bucks... including
bottomless coffee.
Aboard ship I cdooked tons of grits, served right out of the pot or
cooled, cut into squares and fried or cooked on a large sheet pan in
the oven. The US military has a far greater proportion of southerners
than northerners, especially the Navy. Northerners didn't eat grits,
they ate home fries. Southerners ate everything... not anything...
EVERYTHING! Southerners ate like they never saw food before and like
every meal was their last... especially once they learned that
spaghetti wasn't worms. Most southerners never saw speghetti
previously... many southerners could polish off two pounds of
spaghetti, that is pre cooking weight... I shit you not (Navy speak).
Typical nautical nomenclature reserved for when describing *the best