Thread: Arrggh!
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Arrggh!

On 11/3/2017 12:29 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 19:19:09 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> I've been using mise en place for a couple of decades. Even if I don't
>> measure it all out, I do place all the necessary ingredients on the
>> counter. That way I know I've got everything. I don't like having to
>> run to the store at the last minute.

> No way I would ever do that. Everything gets taken out,
> measured/added, then out right back in the pantry or fridge. Why
> dirty up a bunch of dishes that aren't necessary?

That's what I meant when I said "even if I don't measure it all out".
Often I just put all the ingredients I'll need on the counter before I
start cooking. That way I don't get halfway into cooking and discover
I'm out of something. Or, as graham mentioned, accidentally grab and
add the wrong thing.

> It especially irks me the way those cooking shows measure out a
> quarter cup of, say, mayonnaise or corn syrup into a measuring cup,
> then transfer it to a ramekin, then spend another 15 seconds trying to
> scrape it all back out the ramekin (after they've already scraped it
> out the measuring cup). It doesn't get any more inefficient than
> that.

I get your point, Steve.

> For most anything 1/4cup or less, I just eyeball it and I'll bet I'm
> within +/- 7%. The only thing I measure by cups or by weight is rice,
> water, flour, yeast, baking soda/powder, and [packed brown] sugar
> (1/4cup or more). And mashed potato flakes (sosueme).
> -sw

I need to buy some more mashed potato flakes.
