On 2017-11-03, U.S Janet B > wrote:
> The ratio of filling to masa is good, the fillings are tasty.
I usta think the local Mexicans sold under-filled tamales to us
"gringoes" jes to get our $$. Turns out, Mexicans do it that way.
Why? I have no idea.
I went to my step-mother's sister's house to help here make
"authentic" Mexican tamales. She's a born-in-CA, native Mexican.
Boy, was I ever shocked.
Turns out, even fer "family", tamales are traditionally
"under-filled". I was so bummed, I quit helping, not wanting to have
any part of such enemic tamales.
The best tamales I ever bought were from some no-name bodega in San
Jose. Came right out of a slow-cooker. Big, round, meaty, tamales.
Best ever!
Tuesday! Red's Tamale Day!
I don't recall the tamales, but will never ferget the commercial.