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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Goya Brand Tamales - a Review

On 11/3/2017 12:18 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Nov 2017 11:33:26 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 11/3/2017 10:45 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>> On Fri, 3 Nov 2017 09:26:56 -0400, jmcquown >
>>> wrote:
>>>> A convenience store attached to a gas station on St. Helena used to
>>>> prepare and serve hot breakfast and lunch six days a week. One of the
>>>> things on the lunch menu was pork or chicken tamales. They were made
>>>> fresh daily, steamed in banana leaves (as opposed to corn husks). After
>>>> many years, the place went belly-up. The gas pumps are gone, the store
>>>> is closed. No more fresh tamales.
>>>> I took a chance and bought Goya brand frozen pork tamales at the grocery
>>>> store. Don't waste your money! Pork, you say? I sure can't see it.
>>>> Maybe I'm supposed to pretend those miniscule pink flecks in a mass of
>>>> masa dough are pork.
>>>> I'd complain to the company but all that would get me is a coupon for
>>>> more crappy tamales. If you like tamales you'll be sadly disappointed.
>>>> And before anyone suggests it, I won't be making them from scratch. I
>>>> did that once just for grins. They were delicious! but it's a *very*
>>>> tedious process.
>>>> Jill
>>> There isn't any commonly found brand of frozen Mexican tamales or
>>> burritos that is worth the energy needed to heat them. My daughter
>>> sends us a box of frozen tamales from The Tucson Tamale Company.
>>> They're pretty good. The ratio of
>>> filling to masa is good, the fillings are tasty.
>>> Janet US

>> Thanks, but I'm not in the market for tamales all the time so I won't be
>> ordering any. It's just a shame you can't find a quality product at the
>> grocery store. BTW, I looked at the link. I'm not interested in "sweet
>> pumpkin tamales" or "turkey and cranberry". What?! Okay, I looked
>> further. Nope, I'm not paying $120 for 32 meat tamales. I'll just live
>> without tamales.
>> Jill

> You should have looked further still. Those $120 items are for
> Christmas giving. There are simple tamales that can be purchased in
> any quantity from 2 up. Pumpkin tamales are authentic. Think about
> the food items that were grown historically.
> Janet US

Historically authentic or not, not interested in pumpkin tamales. I did
look further on that site. I'm not going pay to have 2 tamales shipped
from Tuscon. As I mentioned above, I'm not in the market for tamales
all the time. It's just sad I can't find good ones at the grocery store.
