Thread: mcrib
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default mcrib

On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 6:33:50 AM UTC-10, John Kuthe wrote:
> McCraps' "McRib" is a dried cooked hunk of pureed pork meat slarthered in sweet BBQ sauce, 90% HFCS!!
> Here's a naked McRib meat puck! Rib lines already molded in!!
> John Kuthe...

It's McRib season already? Hoo ha! People in your area probably have pork sandwiches coming out of the ying yang. My guess is that you won't be McRibing in your town. I like a nice barbecue pork sandwich as much as the next guy but over here, we get what we can, when we can. Mostly, we can't get those.

I'll probably get one this year and that's enough for me. That don't make me a dirty commie, does it? I wouldn't call it pureed pork. More correctly, it's a chopped and formed molded pork product. Praise the Lord!