Other Cleaning Tips (WAS: MSN: "How to Clean the Brown StuffOff Your Sheet Pans")
On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 9:17:52 AM UTC-5, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> We're in the process of cleaning the outside/inside of our big floor
> to ceiling wall of windows. The easiest thing to clean with (I've
> tried them all) is really warm water with a good glug of ammonia. Even
> when we had a dog the doggie nose schmutz cleaned right up.
> Janet US
I use this same 50/50 mixture to wipe off the range hood. A hot soapy
dishcloth just wasn't thoroughly cleaning it. A couple of spritzes of
the glass/ammonia cleaner and it's sparkling clean. No sticky or greasy
residue and I can save that elbow grease for other chores.