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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Posts: 890
Default Goya Brand Tamales - a Review

On 11/3/2017 6:20 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 10:28:23 AM UTC-10, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>> So simple, so deceptively natural.
>> Idea - what if you used sticky rice as a binder (instead of the masa
>> we'd use) and splashed in a dash of ponzu sauce?

> The Chinese, Thai, Filipinos, and others, will have rice (usually sticky mochi rice) steamed in leaves - banana, ti, or lotus. These are sometimes filled and sometimes not. I'll have to try some out the next time I see it served. I'm not a big fan of rice served this way but if I'm doing research, that's a good excuse, right?

Sure, why not?

I suspect that rice flour is to gritty to make a decent masa, and I'm
not even sure what it would taste like.

Have to use that mokichiko sweet flour you mentioned I think.
