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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Steel skillet update

On Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 11:48:08 AM UTC-4, notbob wrote:
> Jes something to talk about on this, post hangover, lazy Saturday.
> Best hash-browns ever. I now make 'em in my steel skillet and they
> are to die for!
> First, I nuke a russet, then grate it with a cheapo box grater onto a
> paper plate. I pour a bit o' peanut oil in my steel skillet and let
> the oil warm up. I then put the grated spud(s) in the skillet, mash
> 'em down evenly with a silicon spatula, and let 'em cook fer about
> 8-10 mins on one side. I then flip 'em and let 'em cook fer another 8-10
> mins on the other side. They come out perfectly browned and crispy.
> Jes right to put on some Tabasco and a couple over easy eggs (which I
> cook in my cheapo WW non-stick skillet).
> I add oil, if necessary, fer the 2nd side of h/b's. When I'm done, I
> jes wipe out the steel skillet with a paper towel. No washing. Jes
> wiping. Boy, izzat steel skillet ever "seasoned", now! I use it most
> every day.
> Let the nuked spud(s) cool fer at least one half hour, so as not to
> burn yer hand while grating. Do NOT put them in the fridge, as it
> causes the starch in the spuds to blacken.
> nb --waiting fer spuds to cool

I'd add some onions to those potatoes.

Cindy Hamilton