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Casa de los peregrinos[_2_] Casa de los peregrinos[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 51
Default "Disparistan": What If black America was a country?

Marty Escarcega expressed precisely :
> On 11/4/2017 1:09 PM, Byker wrote:
>> In a recent debate with a CNN contributor, the conservative radio talk-show
>> host Larry Elder declared that €śif black America were a country, it would
>> be
>> the 15th-wealthiest country in the world.€ť:
>> His math proved incorrect, and his invocation of €śblack America€ť was
>> followed by a refutation of the concept by a fellow black conservative.
>> Shortly after Elders remarks, the Republican strategist Ron Christie
>> argued
>> that there is no such thing as "black America" and, further, that the very
>> notion of it is antithetical €śto our national motto of E Pluribus Unum.€ť

> It is a complete nonsense to think of "black America" as a country. Black
> Americans do as well as they do precisely because of their interaction with
> what is mostly white America. They work in largely white-owned businesses.
> They get the spillover effects of white effort. There is simply no way to
> isolate blacks' economic life from whites.

We should have picked our own cotton.