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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Uncooked pasta mac & cheese

On 2017-11-04 5:15 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 11/4/2017 3:34 PM, Opinicus wrote:
>> On Sat, 04 Nov 2017 09:56:44 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>>> This is from the New York Times email that I just gotÂ* today.Â* I'm
>>> always on the lookout for new mac & cheese recipes.Â* This one
>>> intrigued me because you assemble with uncooked pasta then cover and
>>> bake.Â* I've never heard of doing mac & cheese that way before.Â* I do
>>> undercook my pasta before assembly and baking just to avoid overcooked
>>> pasta, but never have done uncooked.

>> I've seen lasagnas done this way. (I think the first was on an old
>> Emerel show.) So it's not entirely surprising that the same technique
>> could be used for Mac&Cheese.
>> Disclaimer: I've never actually tried any of these recipes as I don't
>> really believe they'll work.

> Well, I know they make pre-cooked dried lasagna noodles but I can't say
> I've ever seen the same in macaroni.Â* I can't see that it would save
> much time.Â* Janet already said she cooks the pasta a bit before
> assembling.Â* I cook the pasta while I'm assembling the other igredients,
> too.

Do they actually pre-cook them? I have used raw regular lasagna, made
the sauce a little thinner and cooked a couple minutes longer, and it
was great. I Googled no cook lasagna pasta and the first hit was a
recipe where you just use regular pasta and skip the boiling. Then
there was an Epicurious site that said that no-cook lasagne is actually
better than the type you boil and said that the pasta is thinner.

> It might be an interesting experiment.Â* Not one I care to try.Â* I really
> don't want to wind up with crunchy macaroni.

I don't see cooking the macaroni as much of a hassle as cooking lasagna.
It doesn't clump together and it is not guaranteed to splatter hot
water on you like lasagna is.