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Alex[_19_] Alex[_19_] is offline
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Posts: 149
Default MSN: "How to Clean the Brown Stuff Off Your Sheet Pans"

Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
> On 11/3/2017 5:44 PM, Alex wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-11-02 11:13 PM, wrote:
>>>>> Sure, but the cabinet, countertop that goes with it is only
>>>>> another $30,000.
>>>> There's no need to do anything to the cabinets when swapping a dual
>>>> sink for a single. When I moved here I got rid of their double sink
>>>> and installed a single extra deep sink and only needed to change the
>>>> faucet deck... no cabinetry work.
>>> It depends on the size of the sink.If you are replacing a sink with
>>> one the same size you may not need anything changed. If you are
>>> replacing it with a larger one you will need to cut the counter to
>>> widen the whole. If you are installing a smaller sink you are likely
>>> going to have to replace the counter top.

>> I just remodeled my kitchen and went with one of these. Single sink
>> 9" deep - the "Palma".

> Nice, but mind the scratches.

Show me a stainless sink that doesn't scratch. This one looks brand new
after 6 months but we don't throw pots and silverware in it.