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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Default Goya Brand Tamales - a Review

On 11/4/2017 3:07 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 9:21:05 AM UTC-10, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>> I think some not too soft potato cubes will make a really good contrast
>> to all that loose chorizo.
>> Ya kind of have to think of it as a wet flavorant.

> I cooked up the pork chorizo this morning. It went well. It didn't all liquify like the beef chorizo did. I'm not sure if it was because of the cooking technique or the ingredients of the sausage.

So that's a new wrinkle on me, I've never matched beef v. pork to see
who's less runny.

> Anyway, I added some garlic, dehydrated onions, a can of sliced potatoes, and salt and pepper. Next time I'll add some cumin. You are right about chorizo being mostly about flavoring. I was very pleased with the result. If I had a restaurant, I'd definitely serve this and price it around $6.00. With a large tortilla, the cost to make would be around $1.20 each. I was able to make 4 of these tasty wraps. Quick, cheap, and tasty. What's not to like?


(might benefit from some Hatch chile tho...)

You have divined the equation for 90% of the restaurants in these parts.

Thing is, once you master this it's hard to screw up due to the moisture
content in the chorizo, so your burritos can go right to all star status.