Thread: Dry Sherry
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Doris Night[_3_] Doris Night[_3_] is offline
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Default Dry Sherry

On 5 Nov 2017 17:11:18 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2017-11-05, Doris Night > wrote:
>> An exception is the wines sold in the big boxes, as the product is
>> not exposed to air while it is in the plastic bag.

>They are seldom jes "plastic". More likely, the same metalized film
>used in helium balloons. Also, I'm no oenophile, but I've yet to find
>a "good" wine in a box! Even $2BuckChuck is typically better.
>> Beer has an expiration date and is only good for 6 months after the
>> expiration date if not refrigerated.

>That "date" is bogus. Put on cans/bottles to force nimrods like
>yerself to buy more.
>> If it is refrigerated, it is good for up to 2 years.

>I'd dispute that claim, also.
>> I know all this stuff because I used to work at the LCBO.....

>Which is what?

The LCBO, aka Liquor Store, is the Liquor Control Board of Ontario,
which is one of the largest (if not THE largest) purchasers of wines
and spirits in the world. There is at least one LCBO store in every
city/town in Ontario.

>> and was required to take product knowledge courses.

>Which are made up by other "people", as fallible as yerself.

I figure a lot of them were experts.
