Good shopping day!
Julie Bove wrote:
> Sorry. I left a vital part out. In any one shopping trip, you were only
> allowed to buy three of any one item. So if I wanted more than three, I
> would have to go back on another day. Now that didn't mean that I'd be able
> to get any. In those days, I drank Tab soda. And it was only available in 6
> packs. I'd buy three, go back for three more and there would be none. I just
> learned to buy that elsewhere most of the time. At any rate, I presume they
> put the limit of three to cut down on shelf clearing because they did only
> restock once a week.
When stores offer a good sale, they put a limit on what you can
buy so people like you that stockpile sale items won't buy it all
at one time. I used to have a neighbor that tried to do that and
they limited her too.
The reason: many people will show up for a good sale price. But
if hoarders buy it all, others will quickly get tired of going to
a store specifically for a sale item that is not in stock.
They limit the amount of sale items so they don't lose many other
I see this all the time at my grocery store. Weekly sales start
on Wednesdays. If it's a really good one, you better go there
that day or at least early Thursday. If not that shelf space is
empty and not restocked yet. Of course you can always get a "rain
check" but still makes people mad to go and not get what they