Thread: $24 meatloaf
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default $24 meatloaf

On 2017-11-06 9:39 AM, Gary wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> This has happened to me when shopping with another person. I stop to get
>> something from the shelf and get rammed in the heel from behind.

> Excuse me but you, Wayne, Dave, and even Cheri have all been
> injured in a grocery store by shopping carts? Inconceivable!

No. It is quite conceivable. It takes all kinds to make a world, most of
them go to grocery stores at some point. I mentioned the other day
about a guy in Costco wandering around aimlessly while he was talking on
his cell phone and ended up spinning around just as I was trying to pass
him, and then he got all snotty at me as if I was at fault. A couple
times I have had women bump me in the ankles when standing at the
checkout. One of them, an elderly woman, hit me quite hard, several
times, until I turned around and told her to stop. Another one, quite a
bit younger hit me twice before I reached back with my food and pushed

> I've also never seen anyone shopping while looking at their
> phone. Get outta here. Is this all fantasy talk?

You have to be kidding about that, or you never go into grocery stores.
I suppose you are going to tell us that you never see people talking on
their cell phone in malls, walking down the street, in restaurants, or
while driving.

> I take my cell
> phone everywhere mainly to be able to call for assistance if the
> vehicle breaks down. Whenever I go into a store, I leave the
> phone in my van. If someone calls or texts me, I'll see it
> later, not while I'm shopping.

You are like me. Hell, when I get a call it takes me so long to get it
out of my pocket and answer it that I end up missing most of my calls
and have to use caller ID to get back to them. There are lots of people
who have those things glued to their heads. Just thinking of a woman
I saw while on the track at the Y and looking out across the parking
lot. There was a woman pushing a stroller with a kid in it. She was
gabbing on the phone and failed to notice an obstruction marked with a
florescent traffic cone and she rammed the poor kid's stroller right
into it.

> And that is my 'pet peeve' You are talking to me and your phone
> rings and almost everyone these days will just have to answer
> right away. You put me on hold and I'll walk away immediately.
> It's so very rude.

I knew a guy who used to phone and chat. He had nothing better to do,
and I don't much care for chatting on the phone. He had call waiting and
would put me on hold. I started hanging up whenever he did that. A
couple times he called back and said we had had been cut off. I would
correct him and say that I had hung up. Then he would tell me whenever
he called that he had disabled call waiting. No need to disable it....
just ignore it. I have call waiting as part of a package, but I only
use it if I am expecting a call, in which case I warn people ahead of
time that I am expecting a call and will have to take it.