Time Change!!
On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 08:08:08 -0500, Nancy Young >
>The time change messes me up for a few days but the hardest
>part is ... the cat. She has her regimen. Or regime,
>depending how you look at it.
>9am is her can of food so at 8 the pressure really starts
>building. The feline mind meld. Feed me. 9:15pm she likes
>to be brushed, don't ask me, she's figured out that's the time
>and darned if she doesn't know the exact time. Science should
>look into that, how do cats know the time.
>Time change is when you really know the House Whip is the cat.
How sad that you, as a pet owner don't know this . . . cats and dogs
are issued watches at birth. You can't see them because they are
designed to meld with fur. I've heard that if you can find the watch
you can set it for daylight saving time. I've never been able to do
P.S. any tags your pet is wearing will be used to wake you to do
their bidding. This is accomplished by the pet scratching behind the
ear to make the tags jingle. It's in their manual of how to handle
pet owners.
Janet US