Thread: Time Change!!
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Casa de los peregrinos Casa de los peregrinos is offline
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Default Time Change!!

On 11/6/2017 4:22 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 10:06:47 PM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>> On 11/5/2017 2:16 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 1:18:54 PM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>> On 11/5/2017 10:35 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 11:44:50 AM UTC-5, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/5/2017 9:24 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd rather have it dark when I
>>>>>>> go to bed in the summer.
>>>>>> Feh, the heck with that!
>>>>>> A long languid summer night that stays twilight until 9 or later is optimal!
>>>>>> Don't you enjoy summer?
>>>>> No.
>>>> Boo!
>>>>> My two favorite months are May (average high 70 F) and October (average
>>>>> high 61 F).
>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> Ya know those are truly great months in their own right, but nothing, I
>>>> mean nothing, touches a monsoon summer's night full of lightning.
>>> Those are great thunderstorms, probably better than anything we get.
>>> However, we get thunderstorms practically every month of the year;
>>> we had one today.

>> That's almost true here, mainly as we get a thundersnowstorm on occasion.
>> Mo' T-storms is always a good thing!
>>> I couldn't handle your heat. I'd rather see this in the winter:
>>> <>
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> Straight up this:
>> To Sandia Peak and this:
>> Then hop this to old Santa Fe:
>> https://activerain-store.s3.amazonaw...5407485896.jpg
>> OK, I'm bragging a bit and tnx for being gracious.
>> ;-)
>> Your Michigan storms can last hours, ours are violent but much shorter.

> I think there are two additional factors, especially when photographing
> lightning:
> 1. Your relative humidity is much lower. In August, the daytime humidity
> is about 30%, which is lower than anything we commonly see. Clear air makes
> for great photos.

That's a savvy observation, and you are correct.

In fact that clash of air masses is precisely why our storms light off
so violently, and generally end so abruptly.

A 30-40F cold downdraft temp. drop can exhaust atmospheric energy rather

> 2. We don't have vistas. There's only a few feet of elevation change
> around here, and we've got a metric buttload of trees. I can't remember
> the last time I saw anything that could remotely be called a horizon.
> Cindy Hamilton

That's the part that would do me in, no long view.

Otoh I've read almost all of Jim Harrison's books and his reminiscences
on life in the woods are pretty engaging stuff.

It's nice to live in a place where you can be a few hours drive from
half a dozen climatic and eco zones and still have a major city to rely on.

'Sides, most of your automotive tester guys end up running around our
state year round.

Shoot, you'd think we had a harsh climate here or something...
