>If the "service charge" is a tip,
>then its payment should be optional.
>How do you legally enforce payment of a tip ?
It's a service charge, not a tip. A service charge is tantamount to the line
on your auto repair bill that says "labor"... in essence, by including a
service charge the restaurant is requiring it's patrons to pay their employee's
wages. Any business has a right to charge for service, same as your friendly
auto repair shop has a right to charge for labor. I'd say your only legal
recourse is to not patronize those sorts of dining establishments... when
enough people do likewise the practice of billing separately for product and
service will die... but be well assured, you'd still pay a service charge, in
higher prices on the menu.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."