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Default REC: Chocolate crunch

On 11/7/2017 12:20 PM, graham wrote:
> When I was at school we had a hot, 2-course meal at noon every day.
> About once per term the following was served up with a chocolate custard
> and was always considered a special treat.Â* My Mother knew the head cook
> who, after she retired (along with the closure of the school) scaled
> down the recipe and gave a copy to Mum along with one of the original
> baking tins.Â* Mum made this for many years but never got it quite right
> - but I hadn't the heart to tell her.Â* Hers was a bit too thick and
> cakey.Â* Traditionally it was thin and very crunchy, often leading to
> pieces flying across the school dining room when eager schoolboys tried
> to break it up with their spoons rather than their forks.
> 6oz plain flour 175g (cake flour is preferable to AP)
> 6oz Self Raising flour 175g
> 6oz sugar 175g
> 1oz cocoa 30g (60g is better)
> 6oz margarine or butter 175g (I use butter)
> A few drops vanilla essence
> 1 large egg, beaten
> Mix dry ingredients.Â* Melt margarine or butter and add with the vanilla
> and then the egg.
> Mix and press firmly into a shallow baking tin (approx. 12€ťx8€ť/30x20cm)
> Brush top with water and sprinkle with sugar.
> Bake in a moderate oven until firm to touch. (150C/300F for about 30
> minutes). For a more crunchy texture, bake for another few minutes. Cut
> into 2€ť squares while warm.
> It is a relatively dry mixture and is easily made in a food processor.
> I have modified it a bit to approach what I remember.
> -Increase the cocoa to 60g/2oz (my notes indicate that I may have added
> as much as 85g/3oz but that is too much I think).
> -When you put it in the tin, press it down very firmly so that it is
> really compacted to a thickness of aboutÂ* 3/8€ť or 1 cm.

Does it come out looking like this:

If so, good stuff.