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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Cheap, maximum nutrition

On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 10:09:25 -0700, Casa de los peregrinos
> wrote:

>On 11/6/2017 9:52 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 2017-11-06 9:42 AM, Casa de los peregrinos wrote:
>>> On 11/6/2017 7:02 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> lid says...
>>>>>> Dave can play the part of Lucretia and Lucretia can be one of the
>>>>>> Janets.
>>>>>> I'll let you decide which one. Where will it end?
>>>>> Which role will Lucretia play? I think, between the two Janets, Janet
>>>>> UK is the stronger character actor.
>>>> ** Whereas talentless Bruce, having been dumped by his troll-sponsor
>>>> Ophelia, then failed countless auditions as understudy to other
>>>> hasbeens, is reduced to standing outside the theatre begging in the
>>>> gutter for anything he can get.
>>>> ** Janet UK
>>> And you're left with your vinegar and a health system that punishes
>>> its citizens with absurd wait times and mental health purgatory.

>> ...but doesn't go in for frequent mass shootings!

>No need with regular acid attacks now the Londonistan norm:
>So much less noisy these are, eh?
>And I mean even the machete is silent too, no?
>Oh wotta CIVILIZED nation the UnFree Kingdom is!
