How do you get the icepops out of the icepop mold?
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J.J. in WA
Posts: n/a
Our pal
(Lululemon) wrote:
> I should have asked this at the beginning of the summer. I have store
> bought icepop molds but I always have trouble getting them out of the
> molds to eat them.
> How do you get the icepops out of the icepop mold? Can I add something
> to the recipes or to the moulds?
Not sure what style you're using, but we have these (sans Mickey ears):
fv_item_number=10041086000&fv_item_category_code=4 2000&fv_start_price=15.
01&fv_end_price=20&fv_section=specs&fv_category_pa ge_number=1
I just warm them in my hand for a moment, then gently squeeze the mold
and they pop right out. But I have pretty warm hands too...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"I rule you!" - Travis of the Cosmos, ATHF
(COLD to HOT for e-mail)
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